@Som: Yes, you can use FileZilla for File Transfers. For your seco...
 DinoZoid   Feb 11 2018
@Som: You can go to your xPanel and reactivate your shell. [url=/x...
I'm Back but my shell is gone, how to create back?
 eggoez   Feb 09 2018
@Som: Shell creation is down for a few days. You can still buy a p...
Creating shell...
 ridhaputra   Jan 29 2018
@Som: Shell creation will be back from 30th January. But the date ...
shell is created but its offline.
 devilpradeepvyas   Jan 29 2018
@Som: You can use ./psybnc command to restart psyBNC. You need to ...
Start psybnc after account re-activated?
 scooterau   Jan 18 2018