Step 1: First open your shell (SSH to it) then type
znc --makeconf
Step 2: When the program asks
[ ?? ] Listen on port (1025 to 65534):
Type a number between 1025 and 65534 this is your port so remember this port, as you will need itStep 3: Next
[ ?? ] Listen using SSL (yes/no) [no]:
You probably don't want SSL, or don't know what this means, just type noStep 4: The next one will be
[ ?? ] Listen using both IPv4 and IPv6 (yes/no) [yes]:
just press enterIf you got
[ !! ] Unable to bind [Address already in use]
then someone else is using that port, just repeat from Step 1 to 4, but changing the port at Step 1Step 5: at
[ ?? ] Username (alphanumeric):
Type your shell account (or anything else) for its your username, remember this tooStep 6: At
[ ?? ] Enter password:
Type a password for your account at ZNC, don't worry if nothing is being displayed as you type, its not shown for the security. then repeat your password at [ ?? ] Confirm password:
Step 7: At
[ ?? ] Nick [your username]:
Type what your IRC nick is to beStep 8: At
[ ?? ] Alternate nick [your username]:
Type what your IRC nickname is to be if your specified nickname is not available.Step 9: At
[ ?? ] Ident [your username]:
just press enter, because xShellz has an ident daemonStep 10: At
[ ?? ] Real name [Got ZNC?]:
Type what your IRC real name is to beStep 11: At
[ ?? ] Bind host (optional):
Just press enter or see VHosts and type an IP which corresponds to your current serverStep 12: At
[ ?? ] Set up a network? (yes/no) [yes]:
Type yes Step 13: At
[ ?? ] Name [freenode]:
Type the name of your IRC serverStep 14: At
[ ?? ] Server host []:
type its host if its freenodeStep 15: At
[ ?? ] Server uses SSL? (yes/no) [yes]:
type yes if your IRC server supports SSL, else noStep 16: At
[ ?? ] Server port (1 to 65535) [6697]:
Type your server's public port, its probably 6697 if iyour server supports SSL or 6667 if its a standard portStep 17: At
[ ?? ] Server password (probably empty):
Type the password to your IRC server, or if you don't know one, just press enterStep 18: At
[ ?? ] Initial channels:
Type the channels that you want ZNC to join when you first connectStep 19: At
[ ?? ] Launch ZNC now? (yes/no) [yes]:
type yesVoila!! Your znc should be up and running! Have a coffee :P
now, to connect to it, type
/server <port you specified earlier> <your username>/<network>:<password>
on your IRC client.Now, you will be online 24/7 :D And your ZNC will save a buffer for you until you get back ;)
If you want to edit more settings, goto<your port> and login using your username and password! and you can edit at the ease of your mind!
if you want to make your znc restart itself when it gets killed or when the server is restarted, type
export VISUAL=nano; crontab -e
Then at the end of the line, add the line
*/10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/znc >/dev/null 2>&1
which checks if your znc is running every 10 minutes and @reboot /usr/local/bin/znc >/dev/null 2>&1
which starts the znc if the server restarted.Then press Ctrl+x then y and press enter.
Its OVER! :P
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