Oct 04 2016

SSH Connection
8  3K+ {{}}
After watching the video and knowing a little about ssh, I figured it would be easy to ssh into my new shell, but alas it is proving to be more difficult than I imagined.

I hate to start a new topic with a simple question, but it seems as though other people's connection problems were based on incorrect credentials or being banned.

I'm not sure where mine stem from. I created a shell, set up a username and password but cannot seem to connect. I feel as though I am missing something small, but nothing comes to mind. My only question would be if I need to setup an SSH key or not. I have tried with and without one and it did not work either way. Here is the command's I have tried

ssh [email protected]
ssh -i /path/to/my/id_rsa [email protected]

Thanks for any help you can offer

Hello, we are aware of issue you have with your account. We're investigating it. This is a isolated issue only for your account. We will update you once we get more info.
Staff StephenS    Oct 04 2016
Your shell should work now.
Staff StephenS    Oct 04 2016
Thank you so much. Just out of curiosity, what was the issue?
perlys    Oct 04 2016
Some small internal bug, which we quickly resolved. Your account was affected by this bug and 3 others, which were resolved as well.
Staff StephenS    Oct 04 2016
Ah understood. Thanks again for help!

As an aside, I happen to read this and realized I'm dumb. "Running any type of server is NOT allowed for free users"

So for paid users, are there any ports available for outside access? For an api or content serving?
perlys    Oct 04 2016
Sure, you can use any free port on paid servers. In fact, you can run command: freeport to find free port which suits your needs.
Staff StephenS    Oct 04 2016
That's awesome! Thanks a bunch. $3 a month is nothing for a small api
perlys    Oct 04 2016
<span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">tengo un problema similar a mi no me aparece mi contrase&ntilde;a </span></span>
ruare    May 15 2020

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