Jun 05 2016

Allowed BGs have gone up to 2
2  2K+ {{}}
Terrific news everyone. We have decided to raise the limit on background processes to 2. For example: now you may have a ZNC _and_ a bot on your free shell. Remember to keep an eye on your CPU and disk space. We do still have limits in place for the free shells, but to account for the 2 BGs on each shell we are now allowing a higher maximum CPU usage of 4%. Remember, this is the _max_. If anyone has any questions regarding the changes please feel free to talk to one of our helpful admins or leave your comments below for us to address.Thanks. Have fun and enjoy! (Also, remember to keep an eye on your RAM usage, as this limit has not increased.)
ChooseCK    Jun 05 2016
The decision has been made to increase limits, because we want to ensure that all xShellz users have access to all required tools to develop and test their software.
Staff StephenS    Jun 09 2016

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