Jan 21 2023

Cannot connect to IRC (Network is unreachable)
9  969 {{tagitem.name}}
First of all, thank you very much for the free Server back online.

I tried today to configure ZNC on xshellz and to connect to a Network in my country.

Unfortunately I receive the error "Cannot connect to IRC (Network is unreachable)"

I suppose that this IRC network does not allows your shell IP to connect to their Servers.

Can I have a confirm about this? If this is the truth I can delete my shell and so I can free space on the xshellz Server for other users.

Thank you.
Hello Dublade,

to which network you are trying to connect?
Staff StephenS    Jan 21 2023
Hello StephenS, the Network is: irc.simosnap.com

It is an Italian Network and all their Servers are listed at: https://www.simosnap.org/network#servers

I didn't try to connect to all Servers because I think that if doesn't work with the Round Robin connection, it doesn't work at all.

I opened a ticket to the "simosnap support" asking for this issue :)
Dublade    Jan 21 2023
Its not issue on our side, the issue here shows:
ERROR Closing link: (...)[Access from your country is restricted, You need to identify via SASL to use this server. Please visit https://www.simosnap.org/register to register an account. For more info on SASL authentication, open a support ticket http://support.simosnap.com]

Check with the IRC server's staff.
Staff StephenS    Jan 21 2023
Thank you.
Dublade    Jan 21 2023
Dear StephenS,

As you indirectly suggested, I tried to enable the SASL module from the webadmin page: "Your Settings" > Edit Networks > SASL

After saving the changes, the SASL word appeared under the menu on top-right, so I entered the SASL page and then I used my nickname and my (NickServ) password in the authentication textfields.

I enabled the options "require authentication" and clicked on "PLAIN" mechanism.

Hope this helps other users.
Dublade    Jan 21 2023

today I can't connect to the network using the xshellz ZNC, again.

The network is reachable through a normal connection and I can authenticate with NickServ but if I use the method that I used until yesterday (my-client-irc --> xshellz --> my-network) I get those messages:

* Looking up shell.xshellz.com

* Connecting to shell.xshellz.com (

* Connected. Now logging in.

* Welcome to ZNC

So, I can connect to xshellz.com through MY-PORT as usual but xshellz is not connected to the network.

In fact in the Status tab of the irc client I get "cannot connect to irc, network is unreachable".

I tried:

1) kill the ZNC process via SSH connection

2) start the ZNC process on xshells

Is there some connection problem from xshellz to the irc network? Honestly I don't know how to fix this issue because I didn't change any setting.

Dublade    Feb 20 2023

I tried the ZNC help commands from the irc client, proof that my client is connected to xshells.

Unfortunately I had no luck, does anyone knows why xshells can't connect to the IRC network?

Dublade    Feb 22 2023

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