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Showing last 50 messages from #xShellz

xinfo PRIVMSG mac_kenzie: Shell with the name dinz have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
mac_kenzie!nidd@user/mac-kenzie:60719 PRIVMSG !keep anid
xinfo PRIVMSG mac_kenzie: Shell with the name anid have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
mac_kenzie!nidd@user/mac-kenzie:60719 CTCP ACTION is away (88,4 Adios Amigos, May your battery always be charged.)
tonyt!tonyt@user/tonyt PRIVMSG !keep tonyt
xinfo PRIVMSG tonyt: Shell with the name tonyt have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
mac_kenzie!nidd@user/mac-kenzie:60719 CTCP ACTION is away (88,4 Adios Amigos, May your battery always be charged.)
[email protected] PRIVMSG !keep FIUBOT
xinfo PRIVMSG SMRT: Shell with the name FIUBOT have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
dennis`!dennis@user/dennis/x-2576468 PRIVMSG !keep smokemode
xinfo PRIVMSG dennis`: Shell with the name smokemode have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
ilpanda!ilpanda@user/ilpanda PRIVMSG !keep ilpanda
xinfo PRIVMSG ilpanda: Shell with the name ilpanda have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
TimeRider!~I@user/timerider PRIVMSG !keep sarojme
xinfo PRIVMSG TimeRider: Shell with the name sarojme have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
[email protected] PRIVMSG !keep ladok
xinfo PRIVMSG ldk: Shell with the name ladok have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
mac_kenzie!nidd@user/mac-kenzie:60719 CTCP ACTION is away (88,4 Adios Amigos, May your battery always be charged.)
[email protected] PRIVMSG !keep ldk
xinfo PRIVMSG ldk: Shell with the name ldk have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
mac_kenzie!nidd@user/mac-kenzie:60719 CTCP ACTION is away (88,4 Adios Amigos, May your battery always be charged.)
xinfo PRIVMSG Hello, sertac! Welcome to #xshellz :)
xinfo PRIVMSG I am a bot. Please read the topic, and feel free to ask me for help.
xinfo PRIVMSG You can start by typing !help in this channel if you want.
[email protected] PRIVMSG !keep Hailie
xinfo PRIVMSG Hailie: Shell with the name Hailie have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
xinfo PRIVMSG Hello, Blohsh! Welcome to #xshellz :)
xinfo PRIVMSG I am a bot. Please read the topic, and feel free to ask me for help.
xinfo PRIVMSG You can start by typing !help in this channel if you want.
Blohsh!~Blohsh@user/Blohsh PRIVMSG !help
xinfo PRIVMSG Blohsh: Hi, I am xShellz bot! Register yourself at and follow xPanel instructions here . My commands are !approval !servers !status <serverid> !bothelp !keep !blocklist !unblock <ip> If you find some strange bug, you can report it with !bug <description>. If you want more help open a ticket regarding your issue at .
Blohsh!~Blohsh@user/Blohsh PRIVMSG !servers
xinfo PRIVMSG Blohsh: servers is probably We currently have 4 servers. 1. (WebSrv) 2. (FreeSrv) 3. (MasterUK) 4. (TurboUS). To get the status of all servers, check the website!
Blohsh!~Blohsh@user/Blohsh PRIVMSG !status 2
xinfo PRIVMSG Blohsh: status is, like, We hate to tell you this, but we dislike conventional and common practices. So, we decided to discontinue !status for your "convenience" (pun intended). Even we (the admins) don't know how to !status now. Cheerio!
xinfo PRIVMSG Hello, hjgkhgf6436f! Welcome to #xshellz :)
xinfo PRIVMSG I am a bot. Please read the topic, and feel free to ask me for help.
xinfo PRIVMSG You can start by typing !help in this channel if you want.
[email protected] PRIVMSG !keep FIUBOT
xinfo PRIVMSG SMRT: Shell with the name FIUBOT have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
[email protected] PRIVMSG !keep reisen
xinfo PRIVMSG tuvok: Shell with the name reisen have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
[email protected] PRIVMSG !keep matde
xinfo PRIVMSG aswj: Shell with the name matde have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
TimeRider!~I@user/timerider PRIVMSG !keep sarojme
xinfo PRIVMSG TimeRider: Shell with the name sarojme have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
nicoz!~nicoz@ubuntu/member/nicoz PRIVMSG !keep nicoz
xinfo PRIVMSG nicoz: Shell with the name nicoz have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
nicoz!~nicoz@ubuntu/member/nicoz PRIVMSG bolt , StephenS : the free server is down?