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Showing last 50 messages from #xShellz

[email protected] PRIVMSG !keep Bayville
xinfo PRIVMSG Bayville: Shell with the name Bayville have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
srtc!~srtc@user/srtc PRIVMSG !keep ircnettr
xinfo PRIVMSG srtc: Shell with the name ircnettr have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
[email protected] PRIVMSG !keep FIUBOT
xinfo PRIVMSG SMRT: Shell with the name FIUBOT have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
Aryan!arxis@user/aryan PRIVMSG !keep arxis
xinfo PRIVMSG Aryan: Shell with the name arxis have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
Aryan!arxis@user/aryan PRIVMSG !keep arxis
xinfo PRIVMSG Aryan: Shell with the name arxis have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
TimeRider!~I@user/timerider PRIVMSG !keep sarojme
xinfo PRIVMSG TimeRider: Shell with the name sarojme have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
[email protected] PRIVMSG heloo
[email protected] PRIVMSG !keep rocks
xinfo PRIVMSG BRATM: Shell with the name rocks have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
[email protected] PRIVMSG !keep Acem
xinfo PRIVMSG Acem: Shell with the name acem have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
Aryan!arxis@user/aryan PRIVMSG !keep arxis
xinfo PRIVMSG Aryan: Shell with the name arxis have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
[email protected] PRIVMSG !keep ladok
xinfo PRIVMSG ldk: Shell with the name ladok have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
[email protected] PRIVMSG !keep ldk
xinfo PRIVMSG ldk: Shell with the name ldk have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
[email protected] PRIVMSG !keep Cara
xinfo PRIVMSG Cara: Shell with the name Cara have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
xinfo PRIVMSG Hello, cavara! Welcome to #xshellz :)
xinfo PRIVMSG I am a bot. Please read the topic, and feel free to ask me for help.
xinfo PRIVMSG You can start by typing !help in this channel if you want.
[email protected] PRIVMSG !help
xinfo PRIVMSG cavara: Hi, I am xShellz bot! Register yourself at and follow xPanel instructions here . My commands are !approval !servers !status <serverid> !bothelp !keep !blocklist !unblock <ip> If you find some strange bug, you can report it with !bug <description>. If you want more help open a ticket regarding your issue at .
srtc!~srtc@user/srtc PRIVMSG !ircnettr
xinfo PRIVMSG srtc: lolwhut?
srtc!~srtc@user/srtc PRIVMSG !keep ircnettr
xinfo PRIVMSG srtc: Shell with the name ircnettr have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
[email protected] PRIVMSG how do I know how many vhosts i can use
[email protected] PRIVMSG looks like there's only one
sivik!matde@user/sivik PRIVMSG !keep matde
xinfo PRIVMSG sivik: Shell with the name matde have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
[email protected] PRIVMSG !keep Fathin
xinfo PRIVMSG Fathin: Shell with the name Fathin have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
[email protected] PRIVMSG !keep genom
xinfo PRIVMSG hh: Shell with the name genom have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
[email protected] PRIVMSG !keep FIUBOT
xinfo PRIVMSG SMRT: Shell with the name FIUBOT have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
TimeRider!~I@user/timerider PRIVMSG !keep sarojme
xinfo PRIVMSG TimeRider: Shell with the name sarojme have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
ilpanda!ilpanda@user/ilpanda PRIVMSG !keep ilpanda
xinfo PRIVMSG ilpanda: Shell with the name ilpanda have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
tonyt!tonyt@user/tonyt PRIVMSG !keep tonyt
xinfo PRIVMSG tonyt: Shell with the name tonyt have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.