sivik!matde@user/sivik PRIVMSG !keep matde
xinfo PRIVMSG sivik: Shell with the name matde have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
xinfo PRIVMSG Bayville: Shell with the name Bayville have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
ilpanda!ilpanda@user/ilpanda PRIVMSG !keep ilpanda
xinfo PRIVMSG ilpanda: Shell with the name ilpanda have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
xinfo PRIVMSG hh: Shell with the name genom have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
TimeRider!~I@user/timerider PRIVMSG !keep sarojme
xinfo PRIVMSG TimeRider: Shell with the name sarojme have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
xinfo PRIVMSG SMRT: Shell with the name FIUBOT have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
TimeRider!~I@user/timerider PRIVMSG !keep sarojme
xinfo PRIVMSG TimeRider: Shell with the name sarojme have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
xinfo PRIVMSG Crashjuh: Shell with the name Crashjuh have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
xinfo PRIVMSG ldk: Shell with the name ladok have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
xinfo PRIVMSG Umais: Shell with the name Umais have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
xinfo PRIVMSG ldk: Shell with the name ldk have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
xinfo PRIVMSG Cara: Shell with the name Cara have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
xinfo PRIVMSG Ghava: Shell with the name Ghava have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
xinfo PRIVMSG ldk: Shell with the name ladok have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
xinfo PRIVMSG Hello, Ashar! Welcome to #xshellz :)
xinfo PRIVMSG I am a bot. Please read the topic, and feel free to ask me for help.
xinfo PRIVMSG You can start by typing !help in this channel if you want.
xinfo PRIVMSG Ashar: Shell with the name Ashar have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
xinfo PRIVMSG ldk: Shell with the name ldk have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
xinfo PRIVMSG Hello, iH8sasl2! Welcome to #xshellz :)
xinfo PRIVMSG I am a bot. Please read the topic, and feel free to ask me for help.
xinfo PRIVMSG You can start by typing !help in this channel if you want.
sivik!matde@user/sivik PRIVMSG !keep matde
xinfo PRIVMSG sivik: Shell with the name matde have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
iH8sasl2!~iH8saslII@user/iH8sasl2 PRIVMSG Wow shell accounts are still alive. I was on one back in the 90's called Hobbiton.
xinfo PRIVMSG Acem: Shell with the name acem have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
Lord255!~lord@user/lord255 PRIVMSG !keep Lord255
xinfo PRIVMSG Lord255: Shell with the name Lord255 have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
xinfo PRIVMSG Falah: Shell with the name Falah have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.
xinfo PRIVMSG ldk: Shell with the name ladok have 336 hours active bonus (2 weeks) from now.